A Decree Nisi is an important order granted during divorce proceedings. In essence, it is a preliminary court order indicating that the court does not see any reason why a couple cannot be granted a divorce.
It will typically contain:
- The court’s seal
- Names of the petitioner and respondent
- Date of court order
- Statement that the marriage will be dissolved in six weeks if neither party has raised an objection
- Any important notes regarding finances and children
Decree Nisi literally means ‘rule unless’. This preliminary court order allows a waiting period in case either party has a change of mind. After six weeks and a day, you can apply for a Decree Absolute.
Decree Nisi vs. Decree Absolute
A Decree Nisi is the court’s provisional approval of the divorce, signalling no legal barrier to the divorce proceeding, but the marriage is not yet dissolved.
A Decree Absolute is the final court order that officially terminates the marriage, granting legal divorce status.